Shepherds Watch over your Flock with Care.
Open Letter to All Priest,
As successors of the Apostles, bishops and priests are called to emulate the teachings and example of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is with deep reflection that I express my difficulty in envisioning Jesus, our Savior, orchestrating a gathering of young teens for swing, square, or polka dances, where the allure of worldly temptations may be present. It is challenging to reconcile the notion of Jesus judging young couples based on their dancing abilities.
While I acknowledge the complexities of shepherding a diverse congregation, I respectfully submit that such activities may not align with the spiritual guidance our youth truly need. My conviction stems from a sincere belief that Jesus would lead His priests away from environments that may expose the faithful to unnecessary temptations.
I express these sentiments not out of judgment, but out of a profound desire to uphold the sanctity and integrity of our faith community. I trust in your discernment as a shepherd of our flock, and I sincerely appreciate your consideration of this matter.
In closing, I assure you of my prayers for you and all our clergy, that our Lord Jesus Christ may continue to guide and inspire you in your pastoral duties. May His wisdom and grace illuminate our paths as we endeavor to follow Him more closely.
Praise Be our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen